Welcome to Primary 2D Class Bulletin Blog. I am Mrs Riz, Form Teacher of Primary 2D. I started teaching lower primary in 2005 and I had been to many other schools conducting creative writing workshops and study camps years before I took up teaching professionally. I will be teaching your child English, Math, Music, Art, FTGP & PAL. My responsibility as an educator is not only to equip my students with knowledge but also to let them have the experience and develop true life skills and moral values. Every child is unique in his or her own way and he or she can be nurtured holistically. I believe given the right directions, our children can fully develop their potentials.

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January 2010
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Cows 'can' and 'can't'
Touch Typing Online Practice
My pupils and their class roles
Class Decorations
Note to Parents and Pupils of 1D
Welcome Onboard Parents and Pupils of Pr 1D

Ahnaf, Jian Ming, Kah Shin, Catherine, Belle, Emily, Pei Fang, Cheyenne, Jiaxi, Yu Jie, Jerome, Joy, Jian Liang, Krystal, Lex, Ray, Shi Yu, Camillus, Md Lutfil, Nerice, Qi Ting, Nurin, Ryan, Styron, Hong Zhang, Alvin, Shu Shuang, Huixin, Zaph, Zen


Elearning Portal

Names or Photos of our Star Pupils of the Month will be published here for recognition

Saturday, January 23, 2010

(Singing to the tune of Are you sleeping, are you sleeping, Brother John)

Are you sleeping, are you sleeping, Farmer Dan, Farmer Dan?
The animals are noisy, the animals are noisy.
So I can't, so I can't.

Can you sleep now, can you sleep now, Farmer Dan, Farmer Dan?
The animals are quiet, the animals are quiet.
Now I can, now I can.

Do ask the pupils of 1D and I'm sure they could sing and dance to this song very well...Singing is part of our STELLAR tuning in before I introduced the big book reading activity. Singing can get them to settle so that they know they will be ready for a new activity to start.

So far in class we have read 2 big books, 'The Farm Concert' and 'Mrs Wishy Washy',both from the author, Joy Cowley. I would get pupils to focus on the visuals,pictures or prints before they start to understand the text. Thus, alot of understanding the expressions from characters' faces and making prediction from the prints are my major teaching points to them. Pupils are more willing to describe pictures without the fear of being wrong for their answers as I do not target words as yet in my first reading. I love active participation from them and welcome questions pertaining to the book.

From their positive reactions, many of them could follow through the story and those who could not read well, from prints, they learnt to make connections to the words. These pupils would listen to the sounds and after that able to figure out the words and eventually the sentences. I myself as a teacher love STELLAR and I hope this programme will instill love and interest for books in our children.

I have the powerpoint slides for Parents to view and understand further about STELLAR. I have also included tips on how you as parents can help your child at home as I am pretty sure many of us will be worried that for English, we forgo the textbooks.

Click here to download or view the slides.

An entry was written at 6:23 PM