Welcome to Primary 2D Class Bulletin Blog. I am Mrs Riz, Form Teacher of Primary 2D. I started teaching lower primary in 2005 and I had been to many other schools conducting creative writing workshops and study camps years before I took up teaching professionally. I will be teaching your child English, Math, Music, Art, FTGP & PAL. My responsibility as an educator is not only to equip my students with knowledge but also to let them have the experience and develop true life skills and moral values. Every child is unique in his or her own way and he or she can be nurtured holistically. I believe given the right directions, our children can fully develop their potentials.

classblog visitors

January 2010
February 2010
April 2010
May 2010
August 2010

Touch Typing Online Practice
My pupils and their class roles
Class Decorations
Note to Parents and Pupils of 1D
Welcome Onboard Parents and Pupils of Pr 1D

Ahnaf, Jian Ming, Kah Shin, Catherine, Belle, Emily, Pei Fang, Cheyenne, Jiaxi, Yu Jie, Jerome, Joy, Jian Liang, Krystal, Lex, Ray, Shi Yu, Camillus, Md Lutfil, Nerice, Qi Ting, Nurin, Ryan, Styron, Hong Zhang, Alvin, Shu Shuang, Huixin, Zaph, Zen


Elearning Portal

Names or Photos of our Star Pupils of the Month will be published here for recognition

::Cows 'can' and 'can't'::
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

We had a grammar lesson on using 'can' and 'can't' based on the big book, 'The Farm Concert'. After doing the learning sheet, I decided to infuse some Art and English Grammar together. Hence, I extended the lesson by getting my pupils to form sentences using 'can' and 'can't'. I believe that by doing so, I could instill fun as well as to assess my pupils' understanding on the grammar lesson taught.
Pupils were able to respond well with simple sentences on what they can and cannot do which to me is really a great progress. Soon after, i showed them a template of a cow and i prompted them to brainstorm on what they think cows can and can't do. I guess we somehow learnt abit about living things and the limitations or the animals' abilities to perform certain tasks as compared to humans. Pupils came out with funny facts for sure but of course, they used the words 'can' and 'can't' appropriately in describing the cow.

(And YES...we know alot of verbs too from this lesson...i called this accidental learning!)
Here are some of the fabulous pieces of work done by my pupils and I am so proud of them for taking the effort to create a fantastic work.









I have more...since everyone did so well, I will put up their work up in the class!
Well done 1D!

An entry was written at 7:42 AM